The Lost Villages

An Oral History of Miners’ Rows & Deindustrialisation in East Ayrshire, Scotland

Did you or your family live in the mining villages of Benquhat, Burnfoothill, Lethanhill, Darnconner, Commondyke and Glenbuck?

The Lost Villages is an oral history project led by researchers Prof Arthur McIvor and Dr Yvonne McFadden at the Scottish Oral History Centre. They are looking to recover the history of six lost mining communities by collecting the stories of the families who lived in the miners’ rows in the villages.

They want to tell the story from lived experience; from the memories of those who witnessed living in the miners’ rows and working in the coal mines and what it meant when the pits closed.

If you would like record your stories or get involved as a volunteer (training provided), please contact [email protected]. (website coming soon)

Facebook: @LostVillagesEA

Twitter :@VillagesLost